
Knowing how to live a meaningful and fulfilling life replete with skillful engagement is only the start. Making it happen is the trick. Putting the principles into practice is where joy arises - slowly but surely. There are a number of practices that have been scientifically shown to increase well-being. Our center will provide guidance and practice opportunities centering on mental well-being and positive live engagement.


Learning to self-distance from your own internal rhetoric - to see more clearly and to understand on an emotional and intellectual level your inner self - is an age-old practice. One of the time-honored methods to achieve this is through meditation. We will be offering a regular practice of meditation and workshops on mindfulness-based stress reduction.

Skillful life engagement

Engaging in life in a manner that brings long term fulfillment is a skill that can be learned. Through seminars, discussions, and workshops, we will open the conversation into this skillset. Our premise is that we have the collective knowledge within our community to bring about skillful and positive life engagement, through communication and practice.


Practicing self-care is critical to skillful life engagement and achieving healthy mental well-being. Self-care practices range across a broad spectrum of skills from mental, physical, and social. Our aim is to provide opportunities for the acquisition of self-care practices, to enhance your ability to not only survive, but to flourish.

Changing your mindset

Our mindset is our worldview - our default way of thinking, feeling, and being. Mindset is not static - with effort and skill, you can change and expand yours. We will discuss the theory and practice of mindset change, with the goal of realizing a growth mindset - willing to take risks and to see setbacks and challenges as opportunities for growth, learning, and development.